Matthew 10.14
And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.
I live in Texas, which one of the hottest places one can be in the Summer, in case you didn’t know. A few years ago, I was joking with my good friend, Sue, who operates our church’s bookstore. It was about whether she would be going to the Annual Pride Parade in Dallas, for which I was hoping for her witty reply. I got it. “I don’t do heat!” was the response. “I’ve done my parades, picnics, 4th of July’s…these days I can’t stand the heat anymore.” she added. I love talking to her about anything. She has enormous amounts of experience and has been running the bookstore since the 70s. She was a schoolteacher for many years, I recall.
Anyway, this began a line of thinking I began calling ‘drawing a line’ which is about the things we decide we no longer do; a sort of ‘been there, done that!’ moment. Think about it, you may have had a few of those, too. I thought Sue’s answer was brilliant. It offers creative license to get rid of burdensome habits or obligations; the stuff in life that you’d like to give yourself permission to never do again, without looking back. What would one of those ‘never do again’ things be for you, if you took the chance?
Not doing heat is a good one. It’s a fun game in the world of law of attraction. Think it, do it. Think it; be it. Think it; live it. I know there are things we all must do, but other things that are definitely optional. Jesus, in today’s Bible verse, instructs his followers to “shake the dust from their feet when they left the presence of people who were not open to hearing their message. In other words, “don’t push yourself into a situation where you are not wanted.”
I’m not suggesting shirking responsibilities, of course. Most of us would like to have a pass on bill-paying. Again, give it some thought. Perhaps in your life it’s not giving up something but taking on something; adding a something new to your life such as eating at a new restaurant or having a walk at the lake. Maybe you’d like to dive into a short Bible study?
Let us consider, once again, being open-minded with what freedom we may have to choose new paths by enhancing our lives to be more positive
Whatever it is, I’m enjoying not doing heat, but I may enjoy a dip in the pool.
Creator of us all, sometimes life becomes so predictable, we feel our choices are limited, if only by habit. Remind us that we are not only co-creators of our lives, but co-creators of our world. Teach us to be the change we wish to see in the world. Amen.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235