Matthew 5.48
Therefore, you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Creator is perfect.
A World of Mirrors
Is it a blessing or a curse that we know what we look like? I was thinking of the animal world, specifically Sylvester, my tuxedo cat. I was fiddling with my phone and he caught a glimpse of his picture full screen. It made him pause for an extra second, but that was it. Did he know it was himself? I strongly doubt it. He knows what other cats look like. The ones that we feed on our porch get a look of disdain if he spies them being fed or getting any fraction of the attention designated for his own spoiling.
He knows an empty stomach. He knows needing to fill it. He knows cold and warmth. Yet even if he recognizes a dead thing, he has no idea of his own mortality …or should I say immortality? He isn’t consumed by the prospects of sickness or death. Like the rest of the animal world, he does not know or care what he looks like. He needs no mirror.
We need a mirror. I often ponder a Bible verse in Genesis about God saying we have created humans in “our own image” giving the reader a riddle about who “they” are who created us. We know what we look like obsessively and we further that addiction by wanting to have less weight or more weight. The passage presents the question, if we are the image of God, what does God look like? I know about the theology of God in human form being Jesus. I don’t think I look anything like Jesus, the dark-skinned Hebrew from Nazareth.
In the human world of our perceived notion to strive to look younger, have more energy, and, by all means, attempt to defeat death in the process, we might ask what doesn’t look like God? Fear, greed, and prejudice don’t look like God. I could simplify the whole thing by remembering God is love, the greatest commandment is love, Jesus lived and preached love. Were we created in the image of love?
In the full circle of that almighty question, how do I follow through in my life to look like One I can’t possible see, always striving to reach that deity’s unattainable degree of love? Humans are so complicated. I know in this second, how blessed my Sylvester is to not have to act, or to know, but only to be. Maybe that’s why the Psalmists gave us the message of comfort: “Be still and know I am God.”
Thank you for the examples set by the animals in our lives who teach us to be exactly who we were created to be.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235