Job 12:7-10
But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Lessons from cats: Having just lost our second cat in a year, our house is eerily quiet now!
We like to adopt sibling kittens to help entertain each other when we are not around. It has worked well - until one dies and leaves her 16-year-old brother an only "child!" He has done a lot of loud hollering in the year since she has been gone. He wasn't the one with the brains in the first place either.
When our friends called us to come get kittens from the family in their garage, we got our first lesson. This tiny grey fur ball crawled into my lap and claimed me! But my wife said it's a girl we want brothers. I took offense to that! What do you have against girls? She said they were more territorial and bossier and usually didn't adapt as well as boy cats. BUT this little girl had already claimed MY heart, and she came home with us for the next 15 years.
Our life became centered around hysterical antics of kitten fun. Our smart little grey girl and her fluffy black brother who quickly grew to be twice her size! They were the first cuddly kittens we had raised. Clearly, she was always MY cat, and her brother was my wife's cat.
God teaches us so many lessons in nature and family and love! Grown people will do the craziest things to entertain and try to "train" their animals to do the things they want them to do. But mostly our home becomes organized around the needs and functions of our cat family! Litter boxes were in the most inconvenient places until we remodeled and designed a cabinet just for their litter! Our hearts also grow bigger with loving animals. All our Facebook friends know of our cats and know when they have been naughty, cute, or sick! They know their names and have seen their pictures - a lot! They share prayers for wellness when they are ill. Over 200 comments of sincere condolence were received when Spooky crossed the Rainbow Bridge in December!
And the same a year ago when Smokie left us.
God created animals for humans' comfort and to enlarge our hearts! Most of us cuddle our pets when we have a bad day, and their love soothes our soul. Research shows that people owning cats or dogs have lower blood pressure. I have read several stories where a family dog has discovered cancer in their owner. Dogs can be trained to find cancers as well.
It is clear how important animals are in God's plan for our abundant lives. Whether it is a horse, a seeing eye dog, or other support animal, or a set of sibling kittens who grow into old age and bring joy each day; it is clear to me that God gifts us the love of our animals to show us special love!
Precious God, thank you for the animals in our lives. Thanks for showing us your love through your creations. Heal our grief when they must leave us.
Jan Nunn
CoH Volunteer
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235