“I am passionate about everything in my life — first and foremost, passionate about ideas. And that's a dangerous person to be in this society, not just because I'm a woman, but because it's such a fundamentally anti-intellectual, anti-critical thinking society." — Bell Hooks, Reel To Real: Race, Sex, and Class at The Movies
Today’s reading is from a book by Bell Hooks, a black American author, educator, and activist, best known for her writings on race, feminism, oppression, and class domination. She was an avid movie critic and published around 40 books; works that ranged from essays, reviews, poetry, and political commentaries to delightful children's books. Hooks was a follower of Buddhist philosophy which she incorporated into her lifetime Christian beliefs. Born Gloria Jean Watkins, “bell hooks” was her pen name, in honor of her sharp-witted great grandmother. She signed it in all lower-case reasoning that the substance of her works was more important than who she was.
Who she was is summed up succinctly in today’s reading: ‘passionate about everything in my life — first and foremost, passionate about ideas.” She died of kidney failure in 2021, but her critique of today’s society is even more appropriate today. All around us, we see and hear evidence of hostility toward anything intellectually challenging, scientifically accurate, inspirational, empathetic, or compassionate. Many members of our society are stifled by fear of change, progress, or invention and are gripped by fantasies of an ideal past that never existed. This is especially dominant in the rise of far-right factions of our own Christian faith. Progressive ideas are simply not allowed.
When Dr. Hooks says anti-critical thinking, she is referring to critiquing in terms of consideration, discussion, and careful analysis. Today much of what is called criticism is defined by biased, bigoted, and unrelenting attacks against anyone or anything that does not conform to the attacker’s inflexible world view. There is no room for a radical, world changing teacher like Jesus or even for the opinion that Jesus was radical. Our society is in grave need of another Gloria Jean Watkins and in fact, we still have one in the form of almost 40 books by “bell hooks”. If you are not familiar with her works, it is the perfect time in history to delve into her passion for ideas. She was known to have profoundly changed some lives. Are you ready for a change?
Thank you for the bell hooks of this world, heroes among us who taught and still teach us how to find and pursue our passions, our identities, and our ideas. May Jesus guide us. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235