Psalm 148. 7-12
Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do God’s bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle,
small creatures and flying birds,
Rulers of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
young men and women,
old people and children.
Merry Second Day of Christmas! Christmas Day, as I’m sure most of us know, is not just a day we open presents and over-indulge on rich delicacies. It is the first day of a 12 Day church season called Christmastide. It is the reason we yearly hear that repetitive and sometimes annoying song about the Twelve Days of Christmas. However, the song is a joy to most children because it is full of repetition, counting forward and backward, and colorful pictures. These are some of the strongest elements of creative teaching, which is not surprising since the old song was originally used as a tool for teaching Christian symbols in confirmation classes.
In the song symbols, the recipients of the daily gifts are us, humankind, and the giver of the gifts, our true love, is God. Today is Day 2 of Christmastide and the Godly gifts we receive are Two Turtledoves. The two beautiful birds represent the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures, and the New Testament, or Greek Scriptures. Since doves mate for life, we learn that the two Testaments are inseparable elements in their value to our spiritual growth.
The Bible also uses the symbols of turtledoves for loyalty, honesty, and true love in both the Hebrew Scriptures and Greek Scriptures. In Leviticus 12:8, the two turtledoves even symbolize substitutionary atonement, replacing a lamb as a sacrifice. In the Gospel of Luke, Mary and Joseph give us an indication of their humble economic level in sacrificing two turtle doves in the Temple of Jerusalem at Christ’s birth, showing us that all personal sacrifices in the name of God are of equal value to the Receiver.
As a lifelong teacher of children, I am grateful for the medieval song as a reinforcement to learning and even more grateful to God whose endless gifts inspired the song. I think the writers of the Psalms of Praise would have loved it. In today’s reading from Psalm 148, we witness the extent of gratitude the writer has to God in every aspect of our existence. Notice particularly the respect of the natural world which we should also appreciate even more during the gifts of these 12 Days of Christmastide, those gifts our true love gives to us.
Thank you for all you have given us and continue to lavish on us daily; for all the wonders of nature, the fish, the gladiolas, the pear trees, and mountain peaks; and especially today for your birds, the continual singers of your praise.
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235