Hebrews 12.14
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Peace Between Us
Elementary school was my first exposure to clicks. Early on I realized that people tend to form groups among those who are similar to themselves. This homogenization, however, is not limited to the playground. We form church groups, political groups, social groups, and stay in these kinds of groups for our entire lives.
In and of itself, a group of like-minded individuals seems rather appealing, connecting with people who can understand you as opposed to interacting with people who do not. It is not clear as to when humanity first started doing this, other species do the same, and the existence of our nations depends on a group of people who share a common place of origin.
The problem that arises is when these groups engage in tribalism. It is when people lose the ability to identify themselves as individuals and instead have their identities dependent upon the ways of their tribe or group. When we live surrounded by uniqueness and diversity but lose the ability to befriend someone outside of our own groups, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the inevitability of tribal warfare.
On the macro-scale we have marked the crumbling of nations through domestic conflicts often referred to as civil wars. However, on the micro-scale, we have observed prejudice or unnecessary aversions to other groups or individuals whose uniqueness makes us uncomfortable.
If our earliest social experiences are of homogenizing in the cafeteria, and the only thing we learn about how to be social is to stay with our own kind, then the cafeteria will become the macrocosm of how we socialize. When I was in school, the tables in the cafeteria were divided: blacks with blacks, whites with whites, same color, geeks with geeks, jocks with jocks, the popular kids, and the outcasts.
Unfortunately, as an adult, not much has changed. Even our own government is gridlocked by opposing political factions. There is nothing wrong with being part of a team, but it would be better if we were on the same team.
Holy Spirit,
Constantly, we are divided. There is so much strife between those who cannot see eye to eye, and so little of an attempt being made to understand one another. Help us to see each other as people worthy of love and respect regardless of our differences. Tear down the walls surrounding our hearts so that we can love one another without the fear of rejection. Bless You Spirit, for we know that it is Your desire that there would be peace among us. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235