September 22, 2024
Rev. Dr. Neil Thomas
Unboxing God
When we experience moments that we identify as spiritual or miraculous or transcendent, they are seldom attached to organized religion or a single building, and rarely confined to a church service or Bible study. The less dependent we are on a building for an hour on Sunday to replicate transcendent encounters we have as we live through this life, the more we are able to understand the world as sacred, to embrace the truth that the place where we stand is always holy ground. When you begin to unbox God, you may find yourself uncomfortable in church or religion because these places begin to feel restrictive to your soul.

If God is Love, Don't Be a Jerk

What if upon Jesus’ return his first question to us is: “I asked you to do one thing: love. So, what happened?” If God is love and if Jesus is the perfect expression of that love, and if we are supposed to follow that Jesus—how can we so often be love-impaired? For as long as human beings have been declaring devotion to a God of love, they have been gloriously screwing it up by being hateful in the process. The Bible doesn’t shy away from that, and neither should we. Join us as we explore some of the ways we fall short of the call to “love God, self, and neighbor” through the book and sermon series If God is Love, Don’t be a Jerk!

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