Genesis 1-27
So, God created human beings, in Gods own image. God created them male and female…
The airport was bustling with hundreds of folks rushing, sitting or standing in one line or another. To pass the time I started looking at the variety of human beings around me and saw every color of skin, eyes, hair, size of ears and lips not to mention all the noses!
There were folks in full Burka, the man next to me was wrapped in a sarong and another walked past in bright native clothing. I heard tongues from many cultures and saw an older couple communicating in sign language.
What an amazing God that created us and loves us in every aspect of our being!! We were all created in God’s image by the Master Artist of Love.
Would anyone tell God the diversity of folks I just saw was somehow wrong and should look a different way? You wouldn’t go up to a painter and say their painting is awful or suggest they swirl a bit more color on their pallet before they finish.
God made us to be exactly how we are supposed to be and gave us characteristics that make us unique to who we are.
That same God who made the sun, moon, stars and the sky took the time to craft each of us to also bear God’s image in relationships of community and love.
To be created in God's image means we bear a likeness to God. We carry God into the world. ALL of us were designed to carry God's mercy, unconditional love, good expectations for the world, and Gods will for justice.
Scottish author, poet and congregational minister, George MacDonald, said, “I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God’s thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest and most precious thing in all thinking.”
Creator God of ALL things great and small, no matter the difference we see, give us the courage to reflect your love in everything we say and do. In Jesus name, Amen
Donna Jackson
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235