Psalm 95:1-3, 6-7
Come, let us sing to our God; let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before God's presence with thanksgiving, raising a loud shout with song. For the Most High is our God, the great sovereign over all else. Come, let us bow down and bend our knee and kneel before our God. For God is our Maker, in whose presence we live, and in whose hand we are held. Oh, that today I will listen to God's voice.
There are many expressions and considerations we use when approaching God during times of prayer and meditation. After considering today’s scripture from the Psalms, let’s take time to be quiet with it and let God's Spirit talk to us about what we've read. We are quiet and attentive when we listen to the important words of others and times of quiet are always the best moments to listen for God's voice!
The Psalmist tell us to "Come, let us bow down and bend the knee and kneel before our God." We often meditate on the concept of "bowing down" as a measure to focus of our attention. Today, we are told to physically "bend the knee". What does that signify? When two humans meet to talk, it may include a challenge of which one will get in the brightest conversation, best argument or that powerful last word. It's like a test of dominance. Standing upright and face-to-face, we can look each other in the eyes as equals. However, when we pray to God there should be no question of a meeting of equals.
We are not equal with God. God is always sovereign! Now, that does not mean that we have to beat our chest and wail aloud "I am nothing, woe is me." That's not how God sees us, but we must realize to whom we are speaking.
By "bending the knee" of our mind's focus we recognize the sovereignty of God over our life. That step is the essential beginning to live a full and productive spiritual life. We must acknowledge that the desires of God for us represent the very best opportunities for our life and interaction with other people.
Loving God, may I present myself to you in mind, body, and spirit, centering all of myself to hear your voice that guides me, inspires me, and comforts me. May I bend my knee in the presence of your wisdom.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235