1 Peter 3: 15
…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.
While working on various disaster teams I have seen tragedy on many levels and just as equally witnessed great waves of hope. I learned a lot from folks who prepared in advance as I observed their generosity towards others.
The scripture above, invites us to be “prepared” to give an account of the Hope we carry inside. It is a privilege to share messages of hope, love, and faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit is the renewing power that prepares us for a different kind of living than the world might embrace. Through the gift of love, we are given the desire to change lives, forgive and cultivate a deep relationship with Christ.
As we embrace the “Good News” of Christ’s teachings, God’s grace begins to prepare us for living in ministry. We are encouraged to share our transforming stories, be a positive blessing, and when asked, respond with a gentle reverence.
Henri Nouwen, from “Time Enough to Minister,” gives an excellent example of being and remaining continuously prepared. While at a monastery for solitude and prayer, he was asked to give a series of lectures to some students. His answer was, “Why should I spend all my sabbatical time preparing all those lectures?”
The Abbott answered, “Prepare? You have been a Christian for 40 years, and a few high school students want to have a retreat. Why do you have to prepare? All those years of prayers, worship, scripture reading, and communion with God should have given you enough material for 10 retreats.”
Nouwen continues, “The question, you see, is not to prepare but to live in a state of ongoing preparedness so that, when someone is drowning in the world, and comes into your world, you are ready to reach out and help.”
Creator God as we “prepare” to celebrate the birth of Christ, teach us to remain in unending preparation to share the “Good News” of your radical, inclusive love for all humankind. In Jesus name, Amen
Donna Jackson
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235