Proverbs 3.5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In this Season of Lent, many of us have made personal commitments to the Lenten tradition of giving something up, or perhaps taking something on in order to enhance our relationship with God. Have you ever made a decision to start something new and found
yourself saying: "I hope this will work out to be the best choice I can make."
Usually, new beginnings are accompanied by our strong hope for success. It
seems to be a necessary component for us to act on the possibility of beginning
something new. Hope is our expectation about the desired outcome of something
which is not yet realized. If the new opportunity doesn't present us with a benefit,
we don't pursue the change. Who hopes for failure in a new venture?
Remember the ancient Hebrew story of Noah. (Genesis chapters 6-8) Noah had
taken his immediate family into the ark at the onset of the great flood. For many days, they
floated above the floodwaters in hope that they would find dry land to be rescued.
Don't you wonder how often some members of the family argued with Noah about
why he had hoped that this "huge bobbing cork" of an enclosed wooden boat
would survive the flood and bring them to safety. Why could he hope for rescue in
this unusual manner?
Yet Noah had hope for his family’s survival as he built the ark and endured the abusive remarks and scoffs of his neighbors. Noah obeyed God's command to build the ark and Noah trusted that God's plan would protect them. He acted on the trustworthiness of God's directions even if he couldn't see how it would work out in the end.
Hope is the human expression of trust in the opportunity even before its benefits can be realized. Now for us Christians today, we have hope that Jesus Christ can redeem (save) us, offer us salvation, and at our death bring us to heaven with God. We hope for the ultimate realization of that blessed new beginning.
O God, help is to remember our hope is founded in the trustworthiness of your plan for our redemption and that new beginnings show evidence that there is a basis for our trust in you. May we always seek your will in a new opportunity that is the best hope we can have for success. Amen
Donald (Luke) Day
Order od St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235