Luke 22:42
“Abba Father, if you are willing, remove this cup [of suffering] from me; yet, not my will but your will be done.”
How is your relationship with God holding up these days? In the Hebrew Scriptures, Jacob literally wrestled with God. It is impossible for human beings to fully understand the Divine nature, the will of God. Even Jesus struggled, ultimately within his own nature, to face the inevitable.
After Jesus had served that Last Supper with his disciples, he went to a quiet space in the garden of Gethsemane to pray. For several hours he wrestled with the pain and anguish of his probable betrayal, torture and brutal death. He prayed: “Abba Father, if you are willing, remove this cup [of suffering] from me; yet not my will but your will be done.”
After several hours of intense prayer, he got off the ground and was met by his betrayer, Judas. A scuffle broke out among the Temple police and some of Jesus’ disciples, and a Temple servant was struck with the sword. After Jesus healed the young man’s wound, he announced to all present: “No more of this.” (Luke 22:51) And then Jesus was seized by the authorities and taken away to be judged. There in the garden and during his trial, Jesus was resolved to allow God’s will be done.
Even in the most challenging and painful of the actions that were to follow, Jesus remained obedient to God because he trusted in divine goodness and wisdom even without seeing the endpoint. As we live through the uncertainties and fears of these troubled times, with a pandemic far from over, international divisiveness, and countless unresolved National debates, we can still have absolute trust in our God’s will. We may not be able to see what things will be on the other side of these troubles, but we can be confident in our loving and caring God, and in the end: “Thy will be done”.
We know that God is Love and ultimately Love will triumph.
All-knowing God, when the weight of the world seems unbearable, when the news around us reports nothing but doom, give us the strength to say, “No more of this” and center our confidence on the wisdom of your divine will.
Donald (Luke) Day
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235