Psalm 62.5
My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
A Silent Prayer
Lord, hear our prayer.
It is not words which move You. Beautiful sayings and eloquent speech do not persuade You. I am reminded that You look at the heart and weigh it in Your hand. Words won’t call my Creator down, but my heart causes You to stoop down. There are words that my heart cannot say to anyone else, but You. For You understand the heart and You speak its language.
My prayer cannot be put into words. It is with my heart then that I pray, for You listen to my heart. I will be silent and let my heart speak. By intention I call to You. By will I open my heart to You. You shall hear what lays heavily on my heart. You will know my pain and my joy. There are no secret places in my heart; everything is open. What I have wanted to say for so long in words, I can finally say in deep feelings.
What is a prayer Lord? It is not communication with You? Surely, You listen to my heart all day long. Surely, You know the song that it plays. Let me escape words and journey somewhere beyond articulation. Let my heart be a feast of love. May deep wells flow from within. I welcome You in. Communication without words.
All I have to do is feel what I feel. Lord, teach me to listen. Quietly You whisper, “I love you,” all day long. If only I knew how to listen. Let me hear Your heart Lord. I will not listen with my ears, for you are not listening to my heart with ears. I will hear the sound of Your voice guiding me to love. When love is present, You are near. You are love. I shall rest in Your love.
You are ever present and listening. I must be silent if I am to listen. In my heart there is a silent prayer which must be made. Thank You Lord, for teaching me that I can pray silently and for being the One who listens. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235