Words of Hope
This scripture has comforted me when the cares of my day encroached upon my nights, robbing me of sleep. I would remember this scripture, pray, and turn my worries over to God and find rest.
Recently, I noticed that there was a second part to that message from Jesus. Yes, he promised us rest, but he also spoke of something perhaps even more amazing. Jesus said that if we take his yoke upon us and learn from him, (for he is gentle and humble in heart); we would find rest for our souls. Then he added, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I have so often heard about how hard it is to be a Christian. My experience, however, is that the Christ way, makes my life easier and more rewarding. Now, I am having that notion confirmed by the words of Jesus. "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Jesus came, offering forgiveness for our sins and a way of life that is easier with a lighter load. I personally have found life with Jesus is less stressed and more joyful. What's not to love about this God?
Dear God, we are once again overwhelmed by your love and generosity. Our hearts are filled with joy and tremble with excitement as we read this message from Jesus. May we answer as if we were in the crowd to whom he was speaking, "Oh, Yes God, we will take your yoke upon us. We will listen and learn your ways. We will work in tandem with you for your causes. We will love you always. Amen.
Devotion Author
Carole Anne Sarah
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235