Scripture and intellect tell me this passage is true, yet it’s quite another feat to surrender, believe and trust God with complete abandoned faith. In my lifetime, I have followed a plethora of plans that rumbled through my head. Some ideas have been successfully launched while others left me tired and dusting off my wounded ego. So, like Jonah, knowing I was called by God, I rationalized the situation only to be swallowed by the whale of fear and doubt. Fortunately, even though “MY” way takes longer, our patient, still in charge loving God, is there to pick us up again and again.
Abraham and Sarah waited many years for God to fulfill the promise of giving them a son. Sarah, lacking faith, insisted upon Hagar, her maid, giving birth to her son which resulted in pain and conflict. However, when Abraham and Sarah put their faith back in God, Sarah miraculously give birth to Isaac despite being significantly past childbearing age.
Pilate, Herod, The Pharisees, and Satan all had a plan to destroy and discredit Jesus, yet God’s plan stood strong on the darkest day in history. This should give us pause knowing God can take anything we throw and still love us through it all.
The life of Moses, Ruth, Joseph, and Job reveal no person or event can quash GOD’S plans because it’s all-inclusive and based on God’s omniscience (knowing all), so that everything past, present, and future is considered.
My life journey continually reminds me whenever I make plans, to hold them out to God with an open hand, because this is God’s world. God created it, and God alone is in control. So, when we fall into fear, or dislike the plan we know God has called for our lives, just let go and lean further into faith. Keep believing! In the end,with Gods perfect plan, we will be complete and lack for nothing.
Creator God, give us the strength to let go, lean into our faith, and receive the perfect plan you have already promised for our lives! In Jesus name, Amen
Donna Jackson
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235