Psalm 51.10
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
A Clean Cup
There yet remains the option for a better future. Instead of being the victims of unwanted change, we must strive for progressive change and be the cause of it. Change is often imposed on us, but when we become the architects of the change we want to see, it is no longer oppressive. For too long humanity has underestimated its own power.
Certainly, humanity has achieved great things. We have reached the stars, harnessed the power of lightning, and have found new ways to prolong human life. One would observe that humanity is always finding exciting solutions to difficult obstacles.
No matter how much we achieve, when we clean the outside of a cup, and the inside is dirty, there is no point in drinking from it. Humanity has the outward appearance of being an advanced civilization, but on the inside, we are always at war with ourselves. Has anyone ever asked the honest question, “If humanity is so advanced, then why aren’t the people happy?”
Certainly, the question has been asked before; so then, why has nothing changed? Have we become so advanced that children are bought and sold as property, there is a war every year, and some people would rather take their own life then keep on living? We forgot the most important part of life: that each of us needs love to survive. Love is not for the few, and it is not for the most deserving; love gives to everyone without prejudice and at no cost.
Without love, life is not worth living. The greatest miseducation of the world is that we put more value in what we can get for ourselves than in what we can give to others. A world in which everyone cares more about others than they do themselves is a world where no one is ever alone, forgotten, abused, or neglected. This is love, and it could be our greatest achievement or our greatest loss. It is a dream now, but so was putting a man on the moon.
Loving Creator, we truly want to better ourselves, but we do not know how. So much effort is spent on making life easier, but not better. If there were magic words I could say, then I would say them, but no words I can say will make this world into what I want it to be. Only Your love can save us. Bless You Lord, for I know that Your love can accomplish all things. Show us the way we should take and let us not fail. Thank You, God. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235