Acts 15:9
…and the Lord made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.
From Where Does the Rainbow Come?
If you spend your whole day speaking against discrimination, and if by the end of that day all of your friends look like you, then you have accomplished nothing. You have not brought together the divided. Your words did not treat the affliction. We cannot by shouting make the tree grow any taller, but we must refresh the broken limbs with water and give it light.
The problem will not change with our observation, but in how we act. It is not someone else’s responsibility to do what you have had the power to do all along. It is not the police, the government, or your friends who must change, but you.
Do not be a hypocrite who calls for change but refuses to do so themselves. If red stays with red, if blue stays with blue, and if green stays with green, from where then will the rainbow come? Only by mixing these colors together do we see a true diversity of colors. Likewise, if we only stay with our own kind, with those who are likeminded, and with people who are of the same class as we are, then how will discrimination end and diversity begin? We are doing the very things our adversaries do and ask, “Where is peace?”
This is the path to peace, and it must start within oneself. It cannot come from the toil and sweat of someone else. Indeed, it will not come unless we first stop discriminating and change ourselves. A little prejudice makes all prejudice possible, so if we have something against our neighbors, then we must drain out the poison before it spreads to the whole body.
Only then, will our words have any credibility to them. Words without actions are useless, and if we never do anything to turn an enemy into a friend, then we have no power and we understand nothing.
Spirit of divine love,
Let our actions speak louder than our words, let love triumph over hate, and let us come together. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235