Psalm 139:10-11
If I say, surely darkness shall cover me, and the light (of good old times) around me become dark night; even then your divine hand shall lead me, and you're good right-hand will hold me fast.
For several generations before Jesus' birth, Jewish life endured much despair. The Roman army occupied their land with consequent economic hardship and heavy taxation. The Temple authorities and High Priest were "under the thumb" of King Herod and his Roman masters. There was religious dissension, and the former strong voice of God's prophets no longer was heard.
It was a time when the voice of God's Spirit seemed to be dulled by uncertainty and almost quenched. The hardship and darkness of daily life seem to make God's presence very distant. The constant stress and burden of each day could be endured only by a flickering hope that God had not forgotten them. "When, O God; how long will it be before the past's better times return again?"
God's presence in their daily life seemed to be diminished; God's voice seemed to be quieted, almost breathless. Still, some people had a fleeting hope that God would break through the spiritual darkness. Little did they know that God was setting the stage for their salvation. In today's world, you may have experienced similar spiritual stress and uncertainty.
Sometimes we feel our spiritual life and even our daily activities have become characterized by separation and distance from the "good old days". How many times have you thought: "When O God, will we get back to normal?" Like that generation of Jews before Jesus' birth, we need to hold tightly are assured hope that God is with us in the struggles, and that our liberation from uncertain times will come with renewal of our spiritual life.
Remember, in this Advent Season as we anticipate the birth of Hope into the world, we are never separated from God! Keep up your hope, God is still working.
Lord God, bring quiet to my mind and help me to center my attention toward your presence. May I clearly hear your voice as you teach me and guide my life this day. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235