James 2.15-18
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.
Today’s Scripture reading reminds me of the life of a good friend whose days were filled with good deeds. His name was Stan and he was a brilliant illustrator and background artist who worked with me in my animation days of the 1980’s. On this December 1st observance of World AIDS Day, I am also reminded that Stan was the first of a long list of good friends I lost in those dark times of the early years of the disease. He was only 35 when he left us.
Stan’s faith was expressed by his good deeds exclusively. The double standards of his strict church-going Fundamentalist Oklahoma family had turned him off to any form of religious practice within a church building. “They’re welcome to their own world,” he would say, “but their world is certainly not welcoming to me.” His only contacts with any “religiosity” were the discussions we would have informally during our work or social times together. His religious practices were lived through his generosity, kind spirit, valuable advice, and sharp wit that made the world a better place for all who knew him.
After his death, I gave several of his animation backgrounds to some of his family members and was convinced that they did love and miss him as much as I did. They even stitched together their own AIDS memorial quilt in his honor, leaving no doubt that Stan had been the only member of that family with the gift of art. It was a loving attempt at a picture of him with his birth and death dates. “Stan always told us to keep art simple,” they said.
I could hear Stan’s voice in my mind saying,” Gurl, I said simple, not boring!” When I am drawing or writing these many years since, I still follow that advice. I’m sure I’ll always recall that voice in my mind, and that significant life of faith through deeds.
Inspiring God, make each of us an artist at living. May our lives reflect the faith practiced by Jesus through his compassion, reverence, and continual good deeds. Amen
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235