The Lord is in the holy temple;
the Lord is on the heavenly throne.
God observes everyone on earth;
God’s eyes examine them.
The above words are verse 4 of Psalm 11. This psalm is about David being challenged by his friends to “flee like a bird to your mountain” in the face of what feels like a hopeless situation. David tells the story of his response in this psalm.
It is unclear what the exact situation was that compelled David to pen these words. Their vagueness, however, allows us in the present day to place ourselves in David’s shoes, to ask ourselves whether, if in the face of feeling as if our foundations are being destroyed, will we still remain steadfast in our faith in the Lord.
In today’s conflicted world, a world divided into them and us, conservative and liberal, those for and those against, right and wrong, many of us may recently have felt an urge to flee, thinking there is nothing left for us to do to aid in saving our crumbling foundation. David resists the urge to run and instead turns to God, trusting that in the end, righteousness will prevail. We are being challenged to do the same.
In these tumultuous times, “The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them.” Even in its original, non-inclusive language, I don’t think that these words are intended to put the fear of God in us, but rather to let us know that God knows all that is going on and will sort out good and evil, right and wrong, at the appropriate time.
What if what we are living through is a test of our faithfulness, of our spiritual discipline, of our ability to love our neighbor? What if God is looking from a different perspective into our hearts and minds? As we strive to live by and through our faith, our hope is that with each step we take, with each word we speak, and with each action we do, we are doing the next right thing, those things that God desires of us.
Do we know exactly what that “right” thing looks like in God’s eyes? Not exactly. We must do our best to figure that out through prayer, study, and community worship, by giving ourselves over to building a deep and personal relationship with God. Even with this, though, there are no guarantees. The world is filled with diametrically opposed thoughts and actions all executed presumably in the name of God.
We must remember that God examines the actions and intentions of all people. What God requires of us is “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Nothing more. Nothing less.
Dear God, as I wander through days where it feels like things are crumbling around me, help me to stay strong in my faith. Remind me that I must always turn to you for guidance on my next right step. Amen.
Kris Baker
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235