Genesis 1.1
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth…
Do you like to ponder the origins of the Universe? Is it thrilling or scary? In the 1968 film, based upon the book by Pierre Boulle, Planet of the Apes, we’re given an opportunity to question something for ourselves. In it, the wise orangutan played by Maurice Evans tells the astronaut, Taylor (Charlton Heston), “to not go looking for his destiny because he may not like what he finds.”
I think there’s a great deal of truth to that for many of us. We earthlings are constantly in search of something that builds up our human-born egos. Perhaps, it’s also true that I must question whether I really want to know anything about the beginning of everything because, I might not like what I find. It may unravel my personal security of the presumptions I desperately cling to.
Let’s think about that for a minute. Some of us grew up with Bible stories about the first two people. In the book of Genesis, Adam was, poetically, formed from the dust of the earth and then Eve was formed of Adam. Today’s scientists tell us we are all made of stardust, the same chemical composition, and technically the dust of the earth. So far, we’re not too far off.
Later, in our school years we began getting glimpses of the evolution of humankind on Planet Earth, as well as our billions of other life forms. So many theories about how and why these things exist, but they, too, were created from the stardust that landed on the earth. But, who created that stardust?
The big bang theory seems reasonable; the idea of multiple universes exploding out simultaneously and forming (hypothetically) identical planets with millions of doppelgangers of us. (That would explain why all the beings the Star Trek explorers meet on other planets are always humans!) Should we question whether these multiple universes were created by the same omnipresent God, the One who made a plan for everything and everyone, which obviously has to include distant planets which were formed a long time ago in galaxies far, far away.
The truth is out there and it’s also right here, in our hearts. The poetic writers of Genesis and the theorists of our scientific community often conflict but sometimes coincide. My prayer is that mutual respect is always present and as we seek the answers, may we ask the right questions.
Thank you for giving us exploring minds. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235