The potted plants that adorn the chancel on Easter Sunday have been dedicated to honor or memorialize someone special.
Susan Andersen
In Loving Memory of
Wayne Andersen
John Arney
In Loving Memory of
Greg Waite
Marge Austin
In Loving Memory of
Constanza Ward
Tyrone Boyle
In Honor of "MFH" -
Thomas Hutter
Ken Chau and Phil Hirsch
In Honor of
Catie, Mark and Charlotte O'Neill
Glenn and Nick Cron
In Honor of the
CoH Staff, Pastors and Volunteers
David Deggs and John Patison
In Honor of
Dale and Evelyn Deggs
David Deggs and John Patison
In Honor of
Margaret Patison
Karen Flores
In Honor of
Ruth Escamilla
Chris Franke
In Loving Memory of
Peter Crabtree
Dan Frisby
In Loving Memory of his mother,
Jean Muller
Dan Frisby
In Honor of
James Prock
Travis Gasper and Carlos Zapata
In Honor of
our amazing Moms - Love Carlos and Travis
Travis Gasper and Carlos Zapata
In Loving Memory of
my brother, Jordan. Love Bub
Angel and Kaz Gleason
Bob Guedin
In Loving Memory of
Boyd Kalka
Bob Guedin
In Loving Memory of
Deloris Guedin
Bob Guedin
In Loving Memory of
Lorraine Carpenter
Hardy Haberman
In Honor of
Patrick Ryan
Alan Harders
In Loving Memory of
Rick Stubbs
Janna and Mary Hershiser
In Loving Memory of
William James Troshynski
Janna and Mary Hershiser
In Loving Memory of
Francis and Leona Hershiser
Mary Catherine Hess and Glen Goldsmith
In Honor of
Laquita Moulton
Mary Catherine Hess and Glen Goldsmith
In Honor of
Linda Goldsmith
Will and Chris Holmes-Hill
In Loving Memory of
Bobby Hill
George and Jennifer Howard
In Honor of
Viki Besch and Janet Bell
Stella Howarth
In Loving Memory of
Malcolm Howarth
Jim Hurt
In Honor of
Jeanette Bell
Jim Hurt
In Honor of
Martha Tidwell
Gary Kindley
In Loving Memory of
Tom Martin
Gary Kindley
In Loving Memory of
Eldon and Maxine Kindley
Gary Kindley
In Honor of
Steven Tran
Vince Kordsmeier
In Loving Memory of
Irene Gerke Kordsmeier
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235