Larry Adams
I truly believe that my passion and love for COH is reason enough to be a good board member. But throughout the 11 years we were in Chicago, I watched online as much as I could. Since our return and my retirement, I have given as much of my time, treasure and talent as will allow. BACH, ICare, Taste of Hope, Ushering and my duties as Sanctuary Manager, are all ministries which give me heartfelt joy.
As a manager in the packaging industry for 35 years in 3 major cities. the diverse cultures taught me to become tolerant, not only of folks who couldn't speak my language, or I theirs, but to understand the differences in how we viewed the LBGTQ issue in their culture. Growing up in Iowa, on a small farm, near a small town has always been my grounding. My dad was a cop and mom always worked as well. So, we were taught to always be honest. I have tried to be just that.
Member Since:
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235