Provide a Thanksgiving Feast for Families in Need!

Help us make this Thanksgiving special for hundreds of families in our community. Sign up to donate a complete Thanksgiving Basket or give today, and we'll create one on your behalf.

Each year our congregation collects and shares hundreds of baskets of food providing a Thanksgiving Feast for those who are in need.

These special baskets contain all the ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving feast and will feed a large family for several days. The generosity of our members makes hundreds of these baskets available each year and many in the local community depend on these. Your generosity is a blessing.

How You Can Help:

Donate Money

The deadline to sign up to provide a basket has passed.

ļ»æHOWEVER, you can still make a donation, and we’ll take care of creating and distributing the basket for you. Each gift of $75 ensures one family has a full Thanksgiving meal.


What is a Thanksgiving Basket?

A Thanksgiving Basket is a collection of groceries that provides a full traditional Thanksgiving meal to a large family. These groceries are donated in large plastic laundry baskets that families can reuse at home.

What if I don’t have time to shop?

You can donate money, and we’ll create a basket for you. A donation of $75 provides one full basket for a family.

Who receives the Thanksgiving Baskets?

The baskets are distributed to local families in need as well as through our community outreach partners and partner agencies.

What goes in a Thanksgiving Basket

Here is the Thanksgiving Basket Shopping List:

1 Large Plastic Laundry Basket

1 FrozenTurkey (8-12lb)preferred. (Substitute ham or chicken of same size if unable to locate)

1 Bag of Potatoes (3 to 5lb.bag)

2 Boxes of Dressing

2 Cans of Green Beans

2 Cans of Corn

2 Cans of Sweet Potatoes/Yams

2 Cans of Fruit (fruit cocktail, peaches or pears)

2 Cans/Packets of Gravy

2 Cans Cranberry Sauce

2 Cans or 1 Box Chicken Broth

1 Box Biscuit or Pancake Mix

1 Cake Mix & Frosting or Brownie Mix

1 Can of Coffee or a Box of Tea (both if you like)

1 Bag of Dried Beans

1 Bag of Rice Roasting Pan

****Consider Optional Items to help extend this gift to stretch across multiple meals****

Cornbread Mix

Poptarts or Oatmeal

Noodles & Spaghetti or Pasta Sauce

Cookies or Snack Cakes

Additional Canned Fruit, Rice, and/or Beans

This Thanksgiving, you can be the reason a family gathers around the table for a meal filled with love and gratitude. Donate Today and make a difference.

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