Elizabeth Hernandez
Mortgage Industry
I am currently employed with Nationstar Mortgage dba Mr. Cooper, where I am a Property Preservation Senior Associate. I also have a part-time job at Central Market in the service dept. as an Asst. Service Lead. I am bilingual but understand Spanish better than I can speak it. I have been working two jobs for at least 25 years. I also volunteered with Dallas CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for 6 years. I did this due to not having children of my own and wanted to be there for other children. I stopped volunteering in 2021.
As a member, I volunteered in BACH in 2015 for about a year, then joined the ministry Lay Minister of Worship (LMoW). Media ministry for 1:30pm Spanish. I serve on the Congregational Engagement Committee. I have been Pres/ VP/ Sec and member since 2015. I believe the mission of COH is to grow our church and welcome all, regardless of anyone’s background. COH changed my life, I want to be able to share my love and faith with others.
Member Since:
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235